12 Questions with Meg (as asked by Oprah)

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So here I’ve been spouting off on this blog for a year and a half. Back then everyone who followed the blog knew me, either we know each other now or we knew each other growing up. As TBH has grown, however, I’ve seen a lot of new faces join. This is a good thing, growth is good :)

You all may know that I’m a frugal stay-at-home mom of 5, but how much do you REALLY know? Do you know that I am a stay-at-home mom because my job made me sick? Do you know that we were homeless for a few months in 2008? Do you know that Jason and I will be celebrating 17 years of marriage this year?

Below I’ve answered some fun get to know you questions that I found on the Oprah website. As I think over the questions I’m going to close my eyes and pretend I’m on the chair next to her, being interviewed on television :) Do you know that one of my biggest dreams is to have my own reality show? LOL, it’s true :)

Does anyone want to play along? Answer in comments, on Facebook or on your blog (and link it here!)

What type of pets do you have?

We have an overactive Australian Shepherd mix and a cat that hates people, except Jason. The cat bites everyone else.

What is your favorite color?


What is most memorable about your high school years?

There was the time I decided to wear heels to a band event and I fell and slid across a four lane highway while the people I was walking with pointed & laughed.

There was the time my sister pushed me into a huge snow drift at the bus stop, soaking my clothing and hair. Not only was it really cold and I was wet most of the day, my sister’s friends took every opportunity they had to yell “Frosty!” at me.

There was the time our dog crapped on the floor and I stepped in it. My nose has never worked very well and I didn’t notice until 3rd period when the teacher asked who walked in with dog crap on their shoes and could I please go wash my shoes because they were stinking up the classroom.

Oh, and there was the time the home ec teacher LOCKED ME IN THE PANTRY because I doodled a Batman symbol on a test that I was finished with.

I won’t even get into the time I was suspended from school for attending a rally that I DIDN’T ACTUALLY ATTEND!

*groan* Oprah, why did you have to ask me this question? We all know that when Oprah asks we answer whether we like it or not.

What word describes you best?


What is your greatest accomplishment?

5 wonderful kids

What drives you every day?

A Honda Odyssey. Oh wait, you were looking for a warm & fuzzy answer? Ok then, see the answer to the previous question.

What is your favorite food?

Sushi. Or maybe pizza. No, butter chicken. No, sushi is my favorite.

Where do you like to vacation?

I imagine I’d like Bora Bora very much.

Who do you admire?

My father. My dad is a hard worker and could be tough when we were growing up, but he is the kindest and most giving person I know.

What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?

I have so many answers to this one. Let us live in their home while we got back on our feet. Made sure our children had food and school supplies. Dropped off Easter baskets and Christmas presents for the kids when we couldn’t afford them. Gave us beds for the kids when we had to leave ours behind. Gave us a chance and rented their house to us despite our very low income. Gave us free daycare so we could continue to work. Let us use their car for over a year so we could go to work. So many answers.

How do you want to be remembered?

As someone who always followed her heart, lived her compassion and left the world a little brighter.

What would you do with a million dollars?

In no particular order:

1. Get a financial advisor
2. Invest a good portion of the money so it will grow
3. Pay off everything we owe
4. Tell Jason to quit his job and follow his dream of opening his own company.
5. Adopt a child (or two) from Africa
6. College/life funds for our children
7. Give our parents money
8. Buy a modest house in the middle of nowhere, something that will fit us reasonably well now but won’t be too much to care for when it’s just the two of us.

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One thought on “12 Questions with Meg (as asked by Oprah)

  • Teri B Clark

    What pets do you have?
    No pets. I’m allergic. We tried a fish tank – it stinks!

    What is your favorite color?

    What is most memorable about your high school years?
    I got to go to an all expenses paid boarding school and found out that I wasn’t as weird as people had always told me. I made great friends that I still keep up with to this day.

    What word describes you best?

    What is your greatest accomplishment?
    I’ll have to go with Meg and say my children – 4 wonderful children. Then it would be becoming an author. That was a really cool experience.

    What drives you every day?
    Doing for others – whether it be my family or people in my church family or in my community or the world in general.

    What is your favorite food?
    I love food, so this is not a fair question. I truly do not have a favorite. I love my homemade pizza. I love most foods that have some kind of sauce. I love most grilled foods, especially vegetables. I love food!

    Where do you like to vacation?
    The beach – hands down. Anywhere that there is a WARM beach is fine with me.

    Who do you admire?
    My dear friend Georgia Cloutier who lost her battle with cancer almost 3 years ago. I always told her that I’d like to grow up to be just like her. She was so kind and giving. I never heard a bad thing come out of her mouth and she was very spiritual as well. Her faith was unshakeable, even when she knew the cancer was unstoppable. I will always love and miss her.

    What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
    Like Meg, I’ve had a lot of things done for me over the years. I couldn’t possibly pick just one.

    How do you want to be remembered?
    As a strong LDS woman, mother and wife who left the world a better place.

    What would you do with a million dollars?
    First, I would pay a full tithe to my church, knowing that they help people all over the world with their relief programs. Then I would travel. I would sell my home and get an RV and travel all over the US. I would also like to go to Greece, Switzerland, England, France, and Germany. If things were calmer, I’d like to go to Jerusalem and Egypt. Eventually, I would settle at the beach.