
The power of saying no
No. That one simple word can wield so much power is amazing. It’s often the first word children learn to speak. It’s a word my dog is terrified of, literally cowering when she hears it (she was a rescue, the poor thing). It’s a word that many of us have […]

The Power of Saying No

I have a great flash giveaway! Visit the Facebook Page to enter today! Win a coupon for a FREE lace thong, a value of $9.50, from Victoria’s Secret! The coupon expires 3/17/2014 and can be used at any Victoria’s Secret retail location. To enter to win visit our Facebook page, […]


peppermint brownie cake
You know the old adage that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? Well, nothing screams love like chocolate! And nothing screams “I LOVE CHOCOLATE” more than peppermint! It’s a match made in heaven, true story. (and let’s face it men: women + chocolate = HELLO!!!) This […]

Peppermint Brownie Cake (A Valentine’s Day Dessert)