I’m sitting in bed this morning because I’m sick. I don’t get sick often but what’s even rarer is that the toddler is still sleeping and my boys haven’t figured out that I am awake. I could really use some coffee or tea but I don’t want to risk leaving the comfort of my warm bed when I won’t be able to get back in it for at least 13 hours.
Since we adopted baby girl I haven’t had much time to do my very favorite thing: read. What used to take me one day to read now takes me 2 months, so I have to choose my books wisely. While I enjoy fiction, every once in a while I find myself re-reading one of my frugal living books. These books are what helped me survive the first 3 years of our marriage. These books taught me how to cook. Most importantly, these books taught me how to think outside of the box to create a wonderful life on just one income.
Following is a list of books that I think should be required reading for all new adults, new couples, the newly divorce…and anyone who wants or needs to start saving money pronto! Some of these books are out of print (I’ve been married a long time) but should be available at your local library.
The Tightwad Gazette is an old school newsletter that was published when I was married in the 90s, this was before everyone had a computer in the living room. Eventually the author put a bunch of the newsletters together into a book series, and the book series were eventually combined into The Complete Tightwad Gazette! This book may seem a little outdated but the information included is so valuable, and presented with such humor, that I really think it’s a must read!
Living More with Less was also written well before living frugally and mindfully was considered mainstream. The author served as a missionary for many years and in this book she examines the differences between American and third world living styles, and instructs us on how to combine the two to better serve our family and the world.
The author of Living More with Less also wrote a cookbook, The More with Less Cookbook. TMWLC has been my go to cookbook for twenty years! This is so much more than a cookbook though, it’s a manifesto of living within ones means to make the world a better place!
Those who remember the days of the internet and computers being a new thing will remember the For Dummies series of books. What started out as teaching guides for us normal folk who wanted to used computers quickly branched out into other areas as well, including frugal living. Frugal Living for Dummies was born out of this, and it’s been a book I find myself reading every second year or so, just to re-inspire myself! FLFD is broken down into small, digestible bits so even the most novice among us can avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Not Buying It is the story of one couple’s quest to avoid purchasing anything that isn’t necessary to living for one year. The author writes this book like a novel, which makes it highly entertaining and unique. I really enjoyed this book, and while I have yet to go a whole year without buying anything, it certainly did give me some ideas for avoiding purchases and paying down debt.