Hey everyone! So you may have noticed a few changes around here. This Big Happy is growing by leaps and bounds, and this is a good thing! I haven’t been able to keep up though, and that is a bad thing.
What happens when you can’t keep up? You become irrelevant, and in the world of blogging that is akin to a death sentence. So what does one do when they can’t keep up? They get help!
Introducing Valerie
When I realized that I needed help one name came to mind first, Valerie. I’ve known Valerie for…gosh…15 years? It’s been a while. Valerie is funny and sweet and a really great writer. I love how Valerie writes, she’s very down-to-earth and humble, and funny. And if you knew how many cats she cares for, well, you wouldn’t believe me. Valerie is one of those rare people with such a kind heart that she couldn’t stop giving to others even if she tried.
You can visit Valerie’s family blog at East Coast Day Shift and her frugal family recipe site at The Magic Meal Fairy.
Valerie will be sharing some great recipes, crafts, and wisdom about minimalist & frugal living.
The Frugaletter
With growth comes change and with change comes growth.
I have decided that it’s time for an official newsletter! Instead of flooding your inbox every time I publish a post you can now sign up for a real newsletter.
The Frugaletter will be released weekly and will includes links to all the new posts, some oldies but goodies, and have extra content from me & Valerie. Who knows, we may even throw in some subscriber only giveaways!
Don’t miss out on the fun, sign up for the newsletter today!