I’m frustrated with Facebook, there I said it. I love Facebook for my private life, I love that it allows me to keep up with all of my friends and family members in one place, I love that it serves as my events calendar and phone directory. I do not, however, like Facebook for the blog.
Here’s why:
The first number you see is how many people, out of TBH’s 231 current FB followers, saw the post. The second number is how much money I paid to make more people see the post (obviously $0 because I have not made a dime off this blog.)
Check this out: Facebook wants me to start out by paying $5 per post to ensure you all see it.
So what I’m doing today is asking (begging?) everyone who enjoys the content on This Big Happy to pick a new way to follow me, in addition to Facebook because I still like interacting there even if it’s only with a few of you.
Here are some options:
-Subscribe to email updates – Go to the box over on your left that has the “subscribe” button underneath it. Enter your email address and click the button. Important: You must check your email address within 12 hours to verify that you want to be sent email updates, if you ignore this email you will NOT be subscribed. If you want to unsubscribe at any time you can do so easily by following the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email.
-Use an RSS news reader – Do you see that orange button on the top left with the little wavy-looking things? That’s my RSS feed, if you click it you’ll see a weird, text & html version of this site. Copy the web address from that site (it’s http://thisbighappy.wordpress.com/feed/) & plug it into your favorite RSS news reader. I use Feedly.com on my phone to read my rss news. Here is a link that will lead you to other news readers that you can use online since my beloved Google Reader is disappearing in July. I know this seems like a complicated process but it’s really not; sign up for a news reader service, plug in the URL http://thisbighappy.wordpress.com/feed/ and go!
-Get FB notifications – You can get a notification every time I post on TBH’s Facebook page. To do this you can go to TBH’s Facebook page (or hover over the page name if it’s in your feed), then hover over the “liked” button and click “get notifications”
-Follow me on Google Plus – I don’t interact on G+ often but if more people were there I might. For now I use G+ to send out links.
-Follow me on Twitter – I can’t stand Twitter & I think it’s really hard to follow people if you’re looking specifically for links they send out (I only send links out once) BUT I’ve been using it more and more as Facebook has become more and more difficult to work with.
-Follow me on Pinterest – Like Twitter, Pinterest isn’t the easiest way to follow someone if you want to see all of their content, but it’s better than Facebook.