Free & Cheap Weekends

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All week long you’ve been waiting for this day…it’s finally Saturday! You want to get out of the house but don’t want to do anything too expensive. Here are some of the things we’ve done to get us out of the house but not break the bank.

Note that a lot of these activities could lead to you spending money, but it’s not necessary. We almost always pack a lunch but when we do spend money it’s very little.

Sample Search – Weekends are great time for sampling food at different stores, especially membership warehouse stores. If you’re not a member tell them that you want to check the store out and they’ll let you in, and probably give you a coupon good for a free shopping day or reduced membership fees. This is also one of the cheapest places to get a meal, and you usually don’t need a membership card to visit the cafe.

Flea Markets – We love to take pictures of the wacky things you see (an aquarium toilet, really!) and we found that it’s also a great place to shop for produce. *we usually buy produce here because you can find odd items, the quality is good and the prices are 50-75% less than grocery stores

Art & Craft Festivals, Farmer’s markets-

Window Shop at the mall – When it’s 100 degrees out you don’t want to be outside and free indoor activities are limited. We stay away from the crowded malls, especially the outlet malls. The mall we go to has stores with an indoor aquarium and indoor surfing (yes, surfing!)

State and National Parks – Admission is almost always cheap and there any many free admission days throughout the year. We visit these a lot so we try to make it a little different each time, one trip may be a picnic, the next a photo safari, etc.

The Beach – Sometimes we can’t make the 40 minute drive to the beach, so we visit a lake instead.

The playground – Hubby and I don’t play (much) but it’s a good way to get the kids out to burn off some energy while allowing us to talk and people watch.

Library – books, movies, music and tons of free activities throughout the week!

Free lectures, concerts and movies – Many towns have free events newspapers or newsletters, pick one up and scour it for free events. Visit your town and county’s web page for a list of upcoming activities. Along with the free events there are usually plenty that are cheap. I once enrolled my kids in an 8 week basketball clinic, for just $5 a kid!

Bad weather? No gas in the tank? Here is a list of fun (and free) things to do around the house!

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One thought on “Free & Cheap Weekends

  • Debbi

    I’m new to Florida…how do you go to the lake without getting eaten or bit by alligators? I was told by a Floridian to stay away from the lakes. lol