I’m winding the SNAP Challenge up with a long post, I’m squeezing days 4-7 together so I can move on to my holiday preparations and a forthcoming announcement! Yes, you’ll have to wait for the announcement, LOL.
There isn’t much more I can say about the SNAP Challenge that I didn’t say on day 2’s post except that it’s so, so important that we challenge ourselves to fight the stigma of food stamp recipients. Most Americans are only one job loss, one missed paycheck, or one medical problem away from needing help. Before you judge, remember that one day it could be you.
Day 4
cereal, milk – both leftovers from previous purchases
Lunch: a weird pasta mishmash
whole-grain pasta ($1)
spinach ($3)
can diced tomato ($1)
margarine ($2)
salt, pepper, garlic (leftover, leftover, $.30)
1 potato ($3/5lbs)
total cost: $10.30
Snacks: none
Dinner: salad, chicken fettuccine Alfredo, bread
lettuce ($2.50)
tomato ($1.00)
dressing ($2.00)
pasta ($1)
chicken breast ($4.60)
baguette ($1)
total cost: $12.10
Total cost for day: $22.40
Day 5
milk ($4.30)
cereal (leftover)
total cost: $4.30
Lunch: hot dogs, mac & cheese
hot dogs ($3.50)
2 packs of buns ($3.20)
boxed mac & cheese ($2.00)
condiments (leftover)
total cost: $8.70
frozen peas ($1)
total cost: $1.00
Dinner: biscuits & gravy, orange slices
canned biscuits ($3)
gravy packets ($3)
sausage ($3.50)
oranges ($4)
total cost: $13.50
Total cost for day: $27.50
Day 6
biscuits (leftover)
coffee (leftover)
milk (leftover)
oranges (leftover)
frozen veggie blend ($2)
mac & cheese (leftover)
baked potato halves (leftover)
total cost: $2
cheese sticks ($3)
apple slices ($3)
total cost: $6
Dinner: Chicken dinner
Chicken breast ($5.50)
gravy packets: ($2)
frozen veggies ($2)
stuffing ($2)
total cost: $11.50
Total cost for day: $19.50