Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post but the story and opinions are my own.
I don’t have perfectly straight teeth, but I don’t have crooked teeth either. My parents were spared the cost of braces for my mouth (you’re welcome mom & dad!) My husband, however, wasn’t so lucky.
Hubby has always been very self-conscious of his teeth and smile. His teeth were so crooked that he couldn’t get floss between some. Couple that with a very traumatic dentist experience as a child, and my husband has tooth issues.
When our second child began getting teeth it was obvious that intervention was going to be needed. Finally, when he was 14, we took him for an orthodontist consult. The verdict was in…6 months in an expander followed by 18-24 months in metal braces with bands.

Straight teeth can give kids the confidence to follow their dreams! This is my kid starring in a play!
I’ll never forget the day they removed the expander and put the braces on, he was in so much pain. No one likes to see their baby in pain. Installation was bad enough, but his poor mouth was raw for more than a week until the inside of his lips calloused over. We went with traditional metal braces because that’s what the orthodontist used, and I was pretty sure I couldn’t afford Invisalign braces. I was so convinced that I didn’t even think to search for a an Invisalign orthodontist.
It turns out that my payment concerns weren’t a good reason not to seek out Invisalign. Why? Because now I know that Invisalign Teen is covered by most dental insurance policies just like traditional braces, up to 50% of the cost may be covered by insurance! For more information on cost and insurance coverage, visit the Invisalign website.
If you’re like us and your insurance pays one preset amount that doesn’t come close to covering the costs of braces of any type, don’t feel bad. Orthodontists frequently encounter patients who need financing, and Invisalign payments start at just $99/month! That’s less than half of the monthly payment we were making for my child’s metal braces. And Invisalign Teen is available for pre-teens and teens!
The good news is that the pain my child experienced can be eliminated, not to mention the elimination of the social awkwardness of a mouth full of metal, when you pass over the metal braces in favor of Invisalign. Another great benefit to Invisalin is no wires! Because when your child’s wire snaps, and it will, it’s almost guaranteed to be at 5pm on a Friday.
Teen clear aligners are removable and can straighten teeth without a mouth full of metal and all the disruption and sacrifice that comes with it. With Invisalign, teens look better and feel more confident than they ever could in traditional braces. Take the Invisalign Smile Assessment to find out if Invisalign is right for you or your child.
If we had it to do over again, and we do with at least 3 of the younger kids, we will definitely give Invisalign a serious look. Remember that not all orthodontists specialize in Invisalign Teen. Visit www.invisalign.com and select “find a doctor” to locate experienced Invisalign and Invisalign Teen doctors in your area.
Why not take a closer look at Invisalign?
For more information connect with Invisalign here:
Invisalign Website: http://bit.ly/1mlFubd
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Invisalign on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/invisalign
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