Feeding your family on a very slim budget can be scary, I know. Check out what I buy and cook when the month lasts longer than the money. This is the story of a woman who went to the doctor with a cold and discovered she actually had […]
2017 UPDATE – Holiday Food Donations, what your food bank needs the most The holidays are a popular time for donations to be made to food pantries. Before you start clearing out your pantry and freezer, however, it’s a good idea to see what food pantries really need. […]
To me, nothing says fall like the smell of cinnamon. I love the smell of cinnamon so much I put two of those cinnamon brooms in my cart at the grocery store. And then my son said “Those smell really bad, and I don’t think dad would want these in […]
I don’t know if you noticed this, but it’s fall. That means it’s time to PUMPKIN SPICE ALL THE THINGS!!! Pumpkin is a powerhouse of nutrition and is really reasonably prices for the next few weeks. It’s really easy to process and freeze too, so you can pumpkin spice all […]
I love cornbread. It can be sweet, it can be savory, and it goes with darn near everything. I especially love cornbread that’s a little on the spicy side, and because I happen to have an abundance of jalapenos this summer I’ve been a pretty happy girl lately. There is […]
Last week was Thanksgiving here in the United States. As we went elsewhere to eat we came home without leftovers. I know what you’re thinking, crazy! A few days after the holiday we were all craving leftovers so we did the next best thing, we cooked our own Thanksgiving feast, […]
I am no stranger to making meals on a budget, and sometimes that budget is very small. Very, very small. What follows is a very simple plan to feed a family of 4-6 for a week, including breakfast, lunch and snacks. I’m not going to even pretend that this […]
Have you ever wondered what I keep in my pantry? Don’t bother answering because I’m going to tell you anyway. 5 frugal pantry staples that (almost) everyone should have! Keeping a stocked pantry is key to saving money when it comes to feeding your family. I can’t tell you how […]
I’ve experimented a lot with meal planning in the last few years. I originally started meal planning two weeks at a time, then one week, then monthly, then back to weekly. Meal planning definitely saves me money, but it can also cost more than it has to when you buy […]
I am so excited that I had to put the title in all caps! I LOVE sweet potatoes. I make them into fries, curries, vindaloo, and sometimes I just bake them in the microwave for a quick lunch. LOVE. Last April I dug into the bottom of my fridge and […]
Once in a while someone asks me how I manage to feed our brood (2 adults, 2 teens & 3 elementary-aged kids) and still get the bills paid. I’m proud to say that I have our grocery budget down to $120/wk, including paper/hygeine, and that I can go to $80/wk […]
I haven’t done a Food Waste Friday in a while and the fridge needed a quick cleaning so here we are. This week it was the curse of the leftovers. Normally I’m pretty good about recycling leftovers into lunches or freezer soup but I dropped the ball this week. This […]