It’s almost June, and time for This Big Happy’s first-ever, hopefully-will-happen-again monthly challenge!! *insert roaring cheers from a crowd*
June is the first official month of summer around here and that’s always signaled new beginnings for me. Our challenge this month stays true to the new beginning theme, it’s “Try Something New June!”
My challenge to you is to try something new this month. You can try something big, like the reader who wants to start art lessons. You can try something small, like a new recipe. I’m challenging myself to do four new things this month.
Here’s a list of ideas to get you going, please share your ideas and results on our Facebook page
*Remember, these are just ideas and not all will apply to you or be safe for you. Always use your common sense and talk to a doctor before you change your diet/exercise habits. Please keep the comments positive & helpful. Thanks!
-grow something new, or in a new way
-create something new out of something old
-make something you usually buy from scratch
-try to live without an extra expense for a week
-go vegetarian for a meal, or a week!
-drastically rearrange your furniture
-learn how to change the oil in your vehicle
-try public transportation
-add exercise to your daily routine, or change the routine up with a new exercise
-start a gratitude journal
Good luck, and don’t forget to join in the fun on our Facebook Page!