What’s Been Going on?

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I apologize profusely for the lack of posts lately. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to post, it’s that I haven’t been able to, I have a zillion ideas swimming around my head but not enough time to get them all down.

My son, the 6 yr old, was admitted into the hospital Thursday for complications of the flu. At the same time I was in the hospital with my my husband was home with our other son, the almost 8 year old, who also had the flu. The flu.

We also adopted a dog, Heidi. She’s sweet as can be and smart and I *think* we’re close to house trained already!

My daughter is into drama, have I ever told you that? Well, she starts rehearsals for her holiday production today, which means we’ll be at the theater more often than we aren’t the next 2 weeks. I keep saying I’m going to write while we wait for her but I never do.

Coming up this week and next I have some cool stuff planned:

– Share your Page Wednesday (always fun!)
– Virtual Cookie Exchange (send me your favorite recipe or a link to it!)
– Holiday Fun (you know, they stuff I should have put up last month?)

See you all around the bend!


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