I’m overweight.
There, I said it. I enjoy a very mobile lifestyle. I count exploring the world and hiking in nature among my favorite hobbies. Heck, we moved across the country recently so we could be outside more. If my fitness tracker is to be believed I walk 14,000-18,000 steps a day, which is pretty impressive for a woman who works from home and gets palpitations at the thought of going to a gym. If you’re wondering, that’s roughly 7-9 miles each day. Oh, and I average 25 flights of stairs a day too.
Fun Fact: The average American walks about 5,900 steps a day
I try not to veer off course too often, but sometimes you just gotta. Like the time some kids called my son “retarded”. Or that time some random blogger went viral by telling women what they can’t wear once they hit 30.
Sometimes things just need to be said.
So anyhow! I walk several miles a day. Sure, I do it for exercise but mostly I do it because I enjoy it. (Imagine that, an overweight person who enjoys exercising!) I prefer to wear leggings on my walks because they provide maximum comfort with minimal chafing. (Believe it or not most women do not have thigh gaps and even for the thinnest of us chafing can be an issue) When I wear leggings I always wear a shirt or jacket that covers my stomach & butt, mind you that that’s not for your comfort, but for mine.
Why I Wear Leggings Even Though I’m Overweight

A real-life photo of me, exploring some historical ruins with my daughter, while wearing *gasp* leggings. I know what you’re thinking, that purse doesn’t match AT ALL!
Today I had some errands to run and I decided to walk instead of drive. I packed up my three youngest kids (my sons are 9 & 11, my daughter is 2) and we started on our way. We weren’t even three blocks in when a man decided to hang out of his car window and yell at me.
“Leggings are for skinny chicks!” he screamed. I pretended not to hear him, always aware of how my reaction will affect my children in negative situations. His words went over the heads of my youngest two but they didn’t escape the ears of my 11 year old. “Mom, why did he yell that at you?” he asked. How do you answer that? How do you explain to your son, who is starting to cry because a man put down his mom, that some people are just assholes who think it’s their job to criticize others based on appearances?
I used this as a chance to explain tact, kindness, and body autonomy to my son. I told him that it’s not okay to offer unsolicited comment on someone’s appearance, even if he doesn’t like it (and also if he does).
I told my son that it’s not his job to police what other people are wearing, no matter what he thinks of their clothing choice.
I told my son that someone’s outward appearance is never, ever an excuse to abuse them physically, verbally, or emotionally.
I told him that by leaning out of his car window and yelling at me he verbally abused us, and that it’s not ok to treat people like that or be treated like that.

Some random meme I found on the internet. Don’t sue me, I don’t have any money, I spent it all on leggings.
And you know what? Leggings ARE for skinny chicks. They’re also for fat chicks. And chicks who fall in the middle.
And to the guy driving the old red Honda, who incidentally was DRIVING WHILE I WAS EXERCISING, thank you for letting me know that I’m overweight. I don’t know what it is about us fatties but gosh, none of us own a mirror and I never would have figured out that I’m on the larger side all on my own. You know, I had all those talks with my doctor about my weight and getting more active, and not once did the fact that I am overweight come into the conversation. Gee whiz I’m so glad you were there to let me know!
I know you can’t see it now but I am rolling my eyes SO HARD right now.
To those of you who think you’re doing us fluffy folks a favor by letting us know that we should maybe lay off the donuts…honey, we know. We know exactly what we look like and exactly what you and most of society thinks of us. We also know that your thoughts don’t matter and that our weight is a conversation that belongs between us and our doctors. Fess up, you don’t care about our health, so quit pretending that that is what this is about.
My job in this life isn’t to make you comfortable. Did you hear that? It’s not my job to make you comfortable or sexually aroused or happy or decent or anything else. I am not alive for you, so stop acting like I should be.
Look, ladies and gents, WEAR WHAT FEELS GOOD TO YOU. Don’t worry about it bothering someone else because it’s not your problem if they don’t approve of you. Your leggings or blouse won’t make someone sin, and if they do that person is weak and was going to sin anyway. Your leggings or skirt aren’t an excuse for someone to hurt you. Your leggings aren’t an invitation for people to stare. Your leggings are LEGGINGS and nothing more.
P.S. This goes for my second favorite clothing item too, yoga pants.
Oh I cannot love this post enough! Thank you so much for sharing this – it sums up my overweight, legging-loving feelings 100%!
LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing I love my yoga pants ;) Love how you taught your son how to be a real man and respect others. Way to go Mama!
Preach it! Wear what makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
You go, girl! When I saw your status about this yesterday, I was hoping it would inspire a post!
First of all, you aren’t fat – at all! I think you look great in your leggings! That guy was just a jerk. Thing is, if you got a good look at him, he was probably overweight himself. I’m not sure why people think it’s ok to criticize others like that; unless, of course, they do it to make themselves feel better. I’d be the exact opposite though – if I ever said something that nasty to someone, I’d get really depressed and feel awful about it for a LONG time. Maybe that’s because I have a conscience.
I’m much fatter than you and I pretty much like in yoga pants. And, if that guy wants to tell me about how they are for skinny girls, I’ll just turn around and tell him to “Suck it!”
Well said!
Preach sister girl!! I’m so glad you were able to take that opportunity as a teachable moment for your kids and empower them to be kinder people. Our bodies are all beautiful, just as they are, and I’m glad you are rocking yours. I’m off to share this post on my facebook page. Glad I came across it!
Thanks for all the love and support! Legging lovers unite!
Love this and spot on. Let’s also cover that we are not on earth to be ornaments. If I am not wearing a skirt or shorts I am wearing leggings (unless it’s the rare occasion where I pull out my weird plethora pants that kind of look cool…) I have been told that I should not wear leggings as pants. Well too bad. I do. It’s my choice and not anyone else’s. I used to feel uncomfortable and worry about what others thought and then I realized that I am not on earth to look good for others. Or look conventional. or whatever.
This is a great post!
I love your post and your attitude, but it seems to suggest that it *might* not be okay to love and accept your body if you aren’t “active” and “fit.” So, if I don’t enjoy exercise and I like junk food, then I should be ashamed of myself? No thank you!
Thanks for pointing that out, I didn’t mean it that way and apologize if that is how it is interpreted.
I still can’t believe how arrogant some people can be that they think they have a right to say things like this to others. I remember your post in response to the one about what women over 30 should never wear. All I can say is that besides the fact that I have always worn whatever makes me comfortable and happy, by the time I hit 40 I couldn’t have cared any less about what anyone else thought about what I wore, and by the time I hit 50, I cared so little about what anyone else thought, it was almost a negative integer. I only put on a bra if I have to go out, and even then, it’s only if I know I’ll be getting out of the car. I wear 2 pairs of footwear now: crocs for cooler weather and flips for warm weather. I eat ice cream for breakfast if I want to. I post whatever the heck I want on Facebook and if someone doesn’t like it, hahahahaha! I blog about whatever happens to enter my mind, and if no one gets it or “likes” it, oh well. There’s something very freeing about getting to be a certain age and realizing that you should live your life in the way *you* are called to, and knowing you’re on the path meant for *your* life, you have a satisfying and fulfilling security.
Yes, yes, yes!!! I’m an overweight, 51 year-old mom of two sets of twins and I LOVE my jeggings and flip flops. I am NOT ashamed to be comfy!
Amen! I grew up short and round with a mother who continually criticized my clothing choices. “That’s not very flattering. You should wear something else.” At one point while back-to-school shopping when I was 12 I had a meltdown: “I don’t CARE if it’s flattering! I want clothes that are in style for once!” Wish I could say she got the point but, nope, it’s been 37 years and she still criticizes everything I wear. I make a point to do just the opposite with my kids and encourage them to wear what they feel good in.
Awesome blog! I really appreciate your frankness! I’m with you!
Pingback: Why I Love Leggings Even Though I’m A Bigger Person – Sissy McGoo's Boutique
Insurance premium goes way up because of fatties and all the extra issues obesity brings.
Deal with it and try harder.
Are you the guy who yelled at me? If so, charming.
OMIGOSH. Your comments made my day. Also, and not that you need kudos from someone who’s also fluffier than she’d like to be and isn’t a mom (of two-legged little folk, anyway), I appreciated your quick-thinking, thought-provoking comments to your 11 (and other) kids about what constitutes okay comments and abuse. Good job, fellow fluffy!
oops — SLIGHT ADDENDUM to earlier comment: that’s “to your 11-year-old (and other) kids (because you never know what they “heard” from what you said)”